Write a Book in Less Than Thirty Days!
While reading an article at Salon.com, I stumbled on an ad for this website, where “best selling author” Nick Daws sells a system he claims will allow anyone to “write your next book or script in under twenty-eight days, working one hour a day.”
The claim isn’t as far-fetched as it sounds. While participating in National Novel Writing Month, I once drafted an entire novel in thirty days, writing for about an hour a day.
Back when I worked for CompuTrain, SkyTel, MCI, and WorldCom, I frequently wrote and/or compiled large instructor guides, participant guides, and reference manuals — book-length works of several hundred pages — in less than thirty days.
Vicki King’s great book, How to Write a Movie in Twenty-One Days, outlines a process that will produce a workable script in just three weeks. I adapted her material, in fact, while working on the NaNoWriMo novel — it was invaluable.
Nick Daws’ Secrets — Revealed!
As a full-time writer, I’ve already realized the key to making a living is to keep projects rolling out the door in a timely fashion. So, the idea of writing a book in less than a month appeals to me.
If the same idea appeals to you, you may be tempted to fork over fifty bucks to Nick Daws. (After all, his system comes with a money-back guarantee.)
Don’t do it.
Here’s why: because, for the next few days, right here on MadeByMark, I’m going to reveal secrets very similar to those Nick would sell you for fifty bucks … absolutely free.
Mark! Why Would You Do Something Like This?
Let me clarify something: I haven’t purchased Nick Daws’ material. I haven’t seen it. I don’t know anyone who has. Apart from what is revealed on his website, I know nothing about Nick Daws’ work. I got nothing personal against Nick Daws … I don’t know him.
As a working writer, though, I do know enough about the writing and publishing process to be able to read the text on Nick Daws’ website and determine what he’s up to … and some of what he’s up to, dear reader, involves playing some nasty tricks on people just like you. I think some of these tricks are reprehensible, irresponsible, and just plain mean.
A Sneak Preview … Absolutely Free!
Meantime, if you want a peek at the first secret I’m going to reveal, head on over to Amazon.com, do a search on books by “best selling author Nick Daws,” and see if you notice anything they have in common.
More tomorrow … so stay tuned.
Is there a conclusion to this?