Shout Out

Shout Out

About two thousand people a week read

Many of these are total strangers. (I’ve already had the odd experience of meeting certain people for the first time … and having them say, “Oh, yeah, I read your web site all the time.”) Some are friends. Some are family.

Problem is, while reading the blog makes you feel that you’ve “touched base” with me … I often don’t know you’ve been here!

So, just for today, let’s turn things around. If you’re reading this, why not drop me a quick note, or leave a comment? Just a “Hey, saw the site and thought I’d say hello!” will do.

Don’t worry. I’m not collecting email addresses for a mass spam campaign. I’m not Mr. Lonelyheart, looking for new friends and penpals (in fact, right up front, limited time and energy prohibits me from answering these notes — so please don’t take it personally if you don’t hear back from me).

I’m just curious. If I invite passers-by to say, “Hello” — how many will actually take the time to do it?

About two thousand people a week read

Many of these are total strangers. (I’ve already had the odd experience of meeting certain people for the first time … and having them say, “Oh, yeah, I read your web site all the time.”) Some are friends. Some are family.

Problem is, while reading the blog makes you feel that you’ve “touched base” with me … I often don’t know you’ve been here!

So, just for today, let’s turn things around. If you’re reading this, why not drop me a quick note, or leave a comment? Just a “Hey, saw the site and thought I’d say hello!” will do.

Don’t worry. I’m not collecting email addresses for a mass spam campaign. I’m not Mr. Lonelyheart, looking for new friends and penpals (in fact, right up front, limited time and energy prohibits me from answering these notes — so please don’t take it personally if you don’t hear back from me).

I’m just curious. If I invite passers-by to say, “Hello” — how many will actually take the time to do it?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

1 comment

  • Hey Mark! I stop by here for a visit about twice a week – you’re quite the gracious host. I really enjoy the sincerity that comes through in your writing…and the humor, of course! Next time I’m in the neighborhood, I’ll plan on bringing a covered dish as a token of my appreciation. Until then, you’ll have to settle for a simple thank you. 🙂

    xxoo,Sally Anne

Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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