Frankly? I think a big part of dieting success is finding a diet that matches your personal energy level and physiology.
For me, the S-Diet is working wonders. I’m not eating snacks, scarfing down sweets, or having seconds — except on days that start with S. (I’ve also marginally increased my exercise routine by adding an evening walk.)
Starting weight? 235.
Current weight? 228.
The weight loss has been virtually effortless. It’s really not hard for me to eat a single plate; it’s really not hard for me to pass up treats during the day (especially since I know I can eat what I want to later on).
And while I’ve lost just seven pounds, those seven pounds have made a huge difference in how my clothes fit.
Clyde, on the other hand, is struggling. He’s lost about two pounds.
His situation, though, is very different from mine. Clyde is not a snacker; he never has been. Clyde isn’t much for sweets; he never has been. As a result, the S-Diet may not be as effective for him as it will be for, say, people who regularly wash down an entire bag of Chocolate Creme Oreos with a full-fat frozen latte. (Now who could that be?)
So: when it comes to diets, I’m no longer stressin’ … I’m just Essin’. It’s easy. It works. It doesn’t involve constant calculations and bizarre culinary witchcraft.
In short: I can live this way.
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