Escape Velocity

Escape Velocity

RocketI’m proud to announce that — just seven months or so after really putting our minds to it — Clyde and I are finally moving back to Atlanta. With the help of God, support from family and friends, and just a bit of effort on our part, we’ve managed to assemble everything we need to make the transition back home a reality.

Clyde, of course, can manage his Internet-based business from anywhere, so he’s been ready to pull up stakes and head back East for some time now.

And while my work as a full-time writer buys us a lot of flexibility, my salary as a full-time writer won’t buy much else. (Ha!) So: in order to make the move make financial sense, I’ve taken a full-time position at a place I’ll just call “The Company.”

(I don’t mean to be mysterious … and no, I’m not becoming a spy. But as someone who has been blogging since October 2000, I know the potential dangers of saying *anything* about an employer on the web. So: while I’ll continue to talk about food, faith, family, and the writer’s life, the most I’ll ever say about work is … I’m delighted by the opportunity!)

I start work on the 27th … so we have lots to do between now and then, from selling one house to finding and buying another. But it’s happy work, and it’s taking us to a happy place.

So: thank you to everyone who helped with good energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and support!

We’re headed home.

RocketI’m proud to announce that — just seven months or so after really putting our minds to it — Clyde and I are finally moving back to Atlanta. With the help of God, support from family and friends, and just a bit of effort on our part, we’ve managed to assemble everything we need to make the transition back home a reality.

Clyde, of course, can manage his Internet-based business from anywhere, so he’s been ready to pull up stakes and head back East for some time now.

And while my work as a full-time writer buys us a lot of flexibility, my salary as a full-time writer won’t buy much else. (Ha!) So: in order to make the move make financial sense, I’ve taken a full-time position at a place I’ll just call “The Company.”

(I don’t mean to be mysterious … and no, I’m not becoming a spy. But as someone who has been blogging since October 2000, I know the potential dangers of saying *anything* about an employer on the web. So: while I’ll continue to talk about food, faith, family, and the writer’s life, the most I’ll ever say about work is … I’m delighted by the opportunity!)

I start work on the 27th … so we have lots to do between now and then, from selling one house to finding and buying another. But it’s happy work, and it’s taking us to a happy place.

So: thank you to everyone who helped with good energy, positive thoughts, prayers, and support!

We’re headed home.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.


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  • I’m super-duper happy for you guys! I hope the next phase of your lives is fulfilling, challenging in good ways, and full of excitement and prosperity. You guys really deserve the best! Minnesota sends it’s love your way :o)

  • We are, Mark, we are! Just as soon as y’all are settled. Make sure you have a guest room 🙂

    Congrats and the very best magical wonderful wishes!

  • Glad to hear this. All the best for you guys….

    I was actually thinking about you guys yesterday… I was headed back to Toronto from Calgary where I was on biz for a few days. I happened to walk past a screen of departure cities and noticed Atlanta and thought of your guys….

  • To Lisa and Barbara and Chris (Phil is local!): When you plan your visit, please check our rates as I’m sure with all of their re-locating costs, it will be astonomical to stay with them. They’ll say “Free” but…. We’re right down the street, great view of 40 story condo construction, also have loving pet, and although breakfast is up to you, Jeri has tons of hats to try on and you can even wear one or two out to where ever you are dining that evening. Virtual tour coming.

Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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