We introverts have a different style of travel, and I’m tired of hiding it.
Oh, I’m always happy enough when interesting people stumble into my path. It’s a lagniappe, and I’m capable of connecting with people when the opportunity arises. And when the chemistry is right, I enjoy it.
But I don’t seek people out, I am terrible at striking up conversations with strangers and I am happy exploring a strange city alone. I don’t seek out political discourse with opinionated cab drivers or boozy bonding with locals over beers into the wee hours. By the time the hours get wee, I’m usually in bed in my hotel room, appreciating local color TV. (So sue me, but I contend that television is a valid reflection of a society.)
Friend John H. has a knack for striking up conversations with total strangers when traveling. It comes to him naturally, and even the most unlikely people open up to his advances, interacting with him as though he were a long lost friend. It’s a gift I admire.
I can do something similar — but it requires conscious effort, and my success rate is something like 25%. Recently, I’ve been pushing myself to “be more like John,” but this article has me wondering if I should ditch that effort, embrace my inner introvert, and simply be.
Have you lost your mind?? Be like John H. – NO! Be like Mark M. – YES! (….but I did enjoy you chatting up Manrique, just like he was an old friend.)