Okay … I must, must, must have this. What a great idea, complete with TWO power outlets and a powered USB-based charging port!
Check it out at Amazon.com:
Okay … I must, must, must have this. What a great idea, complete with TWO power outlets and a powered USB-based charging port!
Check it out at Amazon.com:
Okay … I must, must, must have this. What a great idea, complete with TWO power outlets and a powered USB-based charging port!
Check it out at Amazon.com:
I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.
Ever since I first ran across a copy several years ago, I’ve loved El Grand Tarot Esoterico (The Great Esoteric Tarot), a Spanish deck with particularly enigmatic Minor cards. The illustrations on the pip cards — rife with butterflies...
The folks at OKCupid.com have a simple gaydar test. The computer randomly selects pairs of photos from member profiles. You test your gaydar -- your ability to recognize, on sight, who's gay and who's not -- by indicating which of the two people...
10. Wet asphalt. With the slightest shifting of my weight, one crutch is bound to go flying out from under me. All I can do is take very short steps and hope for the best. 9. Hardwood and tile floors after crutching across wet asphalt. At first...
(Photo Credit: KrogStreetMarket.com) I read the text message from my friend, J. I pause. I read it again. “Let’s have dinner at Krog Market.” I shake my head. He wants to have dinner at a Kroger? I picture our party of four piled...
I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.
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