Battle of the Magic Music Boxes: Spotify vs. Rhapsody

Battle of the Magic Music Boxes: Spotify vs. Rhapsody


Spotify  Google Search

Is anyone else using Spotify yet?

I snagged an invite and bought a month’s worth of the premium Spotify membership this weekend. The Mac desktop software is attractive and easy to use. Search is fast. The service is speedy (tracks play as soon as you click ’em) and sounds great.

What I was looking for, though, was a compelling reason to choose Spotify over Rhapsody — and I haven’t yet found it.

For both services, the monthly premium service price is identical (ten bucks). Both have an iPhone app. Both allow premium subscribers to integrate tracks they own with the tracks provided by the service. Both allow users to download tracks for offline listening.

Rhapsody, though, seems more accessible. Because the interface makes it easy to find music similar to the music you already like and listen to, Rhapsody is definitely the better choice for discovering new music. And because Rhapsody has been around longer, the service can be accessed in more places. (Even my Tivo, for example, will let me listen to Rhapsody.)

For now, if you’re in the market for a “magical music box” capable of playing most any song in the world on demand, I’d have to recommend Rhapsody over Spotify.

Am I missing something?

Updated: One thing I missed is this: the cheapskates at Rhapsody want to charge $5.00 more per month to access the Rhapsody service on more than one iOS device. For someone like me (I carry an iPhone, a personal iPad, and an iPad for work), that’s a deal-breaker … especially since Spotify allows use on all devices for the standard $9.99/month membership fee.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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