Our first day in Detroit is dedicated to revisiting two comfort food destinations we loved our first time here: Motz Bugers and Buddy’s Pizza.
Motz is still the lovable hole-in-the wall it has always been, a fact which gives me great comfort. The same trio — the blonde cook with the lip ring, the pleasantly gruff older man, and the handsome younger guy — are still at work behind the counter, serving up Michigan’s best sliders and huge platters of fries and onion rings.
This time, I bypassed the King Motz Burger and went with two cheeseburgers. These little sliders are what Krystal or White Castle burgers aspire to be in their wildest dreams: smaller, softer, thinner, cooked atop a grill in a pile of steaming onions. With just a dash of ketchup and mustard, these burgers offer little bites of bliss for just over a dollar each.
Dinner tonight took us back to Buddy’s, one of those all-American pizza joints packed with loud locals. Our square pie was sliced into four tiles of perfect pizza-tude, with just enough sauce and cheese on each square to anchor the toppings in place. It’s satisfying stuff — though, on Uncle Mark’s Perfect Pizza Scale, it just ranks a 6 or 7 at most. The post-pizza brownie with ice cream was especially good tonight.
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