Fake Duck Dynasty Clan “Wealthy, Clean-Cut” before A&E Show

Fake Duck Dynasty Clan “Wealthy, Clean-Cut” before A&E Show


Duck Dynasty Fakers

The bearded, backwoodsy Duck Dynasty families — grizzly as bears, swaddled in camo, and slathered with face paint — are essentially actors playing roles scripted and designed by A&E’s producers. Prior to the show, the cast members were as clean-cut, short-haired, and urban as I am. And PoliticalBlindSpot.com has the photos that prove it.

[blockquote source=”PoliticalBlindSpot.com”]Sources close to the show have … leaked details that the show is literally scripted … These pictures showcase a family devoid of backwoods attire: no camouflage, no face paint, no headbands, and no beards … The costumes are for show … the beards and bandanas are for show.[/blockquote]

The photos are family portraits and casual shots, showing all members of the cast with short hair (including some lovely bleached highlights for Willie Robertson), clothing from The Gap, and golf clubs (instead of rifles) in hand. They’re definitely not “trailer trash with new cash,” as the show depicts them.

The evidence suggests the only “reality” behind the show is the one A&E manufactured for it. It wouldn’t surprise me if the recent “controversy” was equally manufactured as a cheap ploy to gain a few headlines — or to stir interest in their new line of Duck Dynasty guns (announced just today), perhaps?

If you find the whole thing as disgusting as I do, please like and/or share this story as broadly as you can.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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