Scotch Eggs for Everyone! (Borough Market, London, UK)

Come try a Scotch egg with me!

You aren’t likely to find Scotch eggs at the local Piggly Wiggly. We found our very first one in the bustling Borough Market, where locals nosh on everything from butchered boar to ox tail soup to goat cheese ice cream:

borough market

Here’s the deal: take one hard-boiled egg. Roll it in your choice of spicy wild boar meat, British black pudding (that’s blood sausage, just in case you didn’t know), pulled pork, or minted lamb. Dunk that sucker in egg batter, roll it in breadcrumbs, drown it in the deep fryer, and when all is said and done: Scotch egg!

(Here in the UK, they’re a picnic basket staple, and may also be called “party eggs.” And yes, at local fairs, you can even get them on a stick.)

Ours was in a gleaming butcher case until the silent woman behind the counter popped it into a wax paper bag. I took the first bite:


First, you taste the crisp outer shell … then the flaky, tender, spicy boar meat … and then the boiled egg. All in all, not bad — a kind of deep-fried spicy wild boar and boiled egg sandwich.

I could never eat a whole Scotch egg, and neither could Clyde:


But we enjoyed having an exotic bite or two … and spent the next few minutes wondering if I could sell a “Down South” version of the Scotch egg — a Cadbury creme egg, perhaps, dunked in caramel, rolled in frosted flakes, deep-fried, and skewered — at the Georgia State Fair.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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