Sick of Being Sick

Sick of Being Sick

Despite flooding my system with fizzy cups of Airborne and gluing my nostrils shut with Zicam, I have a terrible headcold I just can’t seem to shake.  (PS: Why do the two hottest cold remedies on the market today both have such sucky websites?)

What began as a tickle in the back of my throat quickly evolved into unbelievable sinus pressure. Since then, the swelling and congestion have backed off, but now I’m coughing like a six-pack a day smoker.

The worst of it? The complete and total fatigue. Walking from one end of the house to the other wears me out.  Yesterday’s quick trip out for a bite to eat put me back in bed for hours.

Days seem very short indeed when you sleep about eighteen hours a day.

Meanwhile, poor Clyde! He’s very patient. He insists that I rest, even when the prospect of another hour in bed makes me feel like screaming. He gulps down cup after cup of Airborne, hoping to avoid losing a week of his own to this exhausting, overwhelming bug.

Today’s my best day in ages, so maybe I’m on the mend. Here’s hoping I don’t lose yet another precious week to snorts and sniffles.

Despite flooding my system with fizzy cups of Airborne and gluing my nostrils shut with Zicam, I have a terrible headcold I just can’t seem to shake.  (PS: Why do the two hottest cold remedies on the market today both have such sucky websites?)

What began as a tickle in the back of my throat quickly evolved into unbelievable sinus pressure. Since then, the swelling and congestion have backed off, but now I’m coughing like a six-pack a day smoker.

The worst of it? The complete and total fatigue. Walking from one end of the house to the other wears me out.  Yesterday’s quick trip out for a bite to eat put me back in bed for hours.

Days seem very short indeed when you sleep about eighteen hours a day.

Meanwhile, poor Clyde! He’s very patient. He insists that I rest, even when the prospect of another hour in bed makes me feel like screaming. He gulps down cup after cup of Airborne, hoping to avoid losing a week of his own to this exhausting, overwhelming bug.

Today’s my best day in ages, so maybe I’m on the mend. Here’s hoping I don’t lose yet another precious week to snorts and sniffles.

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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Who Wrote This?

Mark McElroy

I'm a husband, mystic, writer, media producer, creative director, tinkerer, blogger, reader, gadget lover, and pizza fiend.

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