Category - Announcements


If you’ve loved my travel writing here, you’ll really enjoy MillionMileMark is an online library bringing all my travel tips, recommendations, and stories into a site that’s easier to search and explore. Now...

Online Now at MillionMileMark

Clyde and I are on a sweet, seven-day cruise from Boston to Quebec. While the more personal stories are here, don’t forget you can get the scoop on the best dining and touring to be had in the Great White North over at

Need a Like-New MacBook Air?

Local Atlanta friends: I have a like-new MacBook Air for sale. This is the 13.3-inch ultra-light, ultra-thin MacBook Air with 256 GB of fast, Flash-based storage and 4 GB of RAM memory. I’ve used it for blogging and writing (I wrote and edited...


If you like my posts about food and travel, you’re going to love, where writing about food and travel is all I do. Later this year, I’ll have flown over a million miles. These days, business travelers often... is Back Online

I invested a little time this weekend revising and relaunching an old friend: the website. Almost all my Tarot books reference, which has been offline for at least two years. Frankly? Years ago, I had allowed one...

????? ?????! (New Books!)

????? ?????! (New Books!)

In this week's mail, a real treat: copies of two of my books -- What's in the Cards for You? and Lucid Dreaming for Beginners -- translated into Russian and Slovak! I've received translations before, but these are crisp, shiny hardback editions. In...



We eat out. A lot. And I blog. A lot. So, it's pretty natural that I'd want to create a blog full of restaurant reviews, right? Problem is: there are only so many hours in a day, and I'm not likely to snag a paid gig as an Atlanta-based food blogger...

2007 UK Tarot Conference

2007 UK Tarot Conference

Last year's 2006 Tarot Conference in London turned out, for personal and professional reasons, to be the high point of my "Tarot year." In addition to adding host Kim Arnold (and her great husband, Martin) to my list of good friends, the event...