Category - Dining

Review: Fido (Nashville, TN)

Review: Fido (Nashville, TN)

Fido is a bit schizophrenic. On the one hand, it presents itself as a hip, edgy coffee house with a broad range of inventive breakfast options. On the other, the joint is littered with notes from Mom warning customers how to behave. Linger too long...

Review: Pie in the Sky Pizza (Nashville, TN)

Review: Pie in the Sky Pizza (Nashville, TN)

The dining room is sterile. The college-age staff is efficient (but totally devoid of personality). But Pie in the Sky Pizza is well worth a visit, especially since the star of the show — the pizza — is some of the best in Nashville. We...

Hometown Tourist: Soul2Soul Vegan Cooking Class

Hometown Tourist: Soul2Soul Vegan Cooking Class

(This post marks the premiere of my new “Hometown Tourist” series, dedicated to discovering new adventures right here in the Atlanta metro area.) Inspired, in part, by the movie Forks over Knives, Clyde has a growing interest in being a...

Sticker Shock in Seaside Skagen

Sticker Shock in Seaside Skagen

  My favorite stop on our Scandinavian adventure — so far — is Skagen (pronounced “SKA-nae,” oddly enough). This seaside village, saturated with sunlight, started life as an artists’ colony. Today, it’s a tidy...

Walking Gourmet Tour in Brussels

Walking Gourmet Tour in Brussels

On our first night in Brussels, we elected to take a gourmet walking tour. Our intrepid guide, Marc, of Global Enterprises, had conducted two tours earlier in the day: a chocolate breakfast tour and an afternoon beer sampling. He was then, as you...

Fries with That?

Fries with That?

Clyde and I are sitting in our corner booth at Einstein’s. A server we’ve never seen approaches. She has a trainee in tow. After introductions, the server asks, “What can I get you gentlemen to drink this evening?” I draw a...

Atlanta’s Best Chocolates at Schakolad

As part of our little experiment in weight loss, we’re choosing to eat sweets just one day a week. When indulgences are limited, you want each treat to be as decadent as it can be. And that, friends, explains why I drove in Friday traffic from...

Week 2 on the 4-Hour Body Plan

Week 2 on the 4-Hour Body Plan

Clyde and I have completed two weeks on Tim Ferris’ Four-Hour Body plan, a program emphasizing self-experimentation and frequent measurement as a way of achieving health and weight-loss goals.  In two weeks, I’m down from nearly 230 to...