Category - Moments

Battlestar Gaylactica

Battlestar Gaylactica

Since the clueless crew at Comcast can't manage to get a decent cable signal to my Midtown Atlanta home, I completely missed November's broadcast of Battlestar Galactica: Razor., however, came to my rescue, shipping me a copy of the show...

An Unintended Absence

An Unintended Absence

I've taken almost three weeks off here at MadeByMark -- one of the longest "dry runs" in the seven-year history of the site. In some ways, that's a good sign: it means that life is, at least temporarily, too full to allow time for me to stare into...

Bread for My Baby

Bread for My Baby

After work, I'm standing on the corner of 10th and Juniper, waiting for Clyde to join me before walking on to Mulan for dinner. A block away, I spot short, scrappy fellow walking toward me at a brisk pace. His hair is twisted into dusty braids. He's...

Happiness Commandments

Happiness Commandments

Over at The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin is writing a memoir about a year spent implementing every happiness tip, philosophy, system, and theory she can find. One product of this is her list of "Happiness Commandments" -- personal guidelines...

Overheard in the Elevator

Overheard in the Elevator

Last night, as Chelsea and I completed our evening walk, we were joined in the elevator by a pretty young woman and a painfully handsome -- but inebriated -- young man. "Hey!" the young man said. "Your dog looks just like a Jack Russell terrier!"...

Perfect Saturday

Perfect Saturday

Slept in, then jumped up, grabbed Clyde, leashed Chelsea, and walked one block to Piedmont Park. From May through October, the Park features a fresh market -- a sort of local street fair featuring more food booths than arts and crafts. Today, Clyde...

Jerry Sanders Does the Right Thing

Jerry Sanders Does the Right Thing

In this heart-rending video, San Diego Mayor Jerry Sanders -- a former opponent of gay marriage -- explains his change of heart: "I just could not bring myself to tell an entire group of people in our community that they were less important, less...

The Woman in Our Lane

The Woman in Our Lane

Saturday, driving down Peachtree, we found ourselves driving head-on toward another car. The other driver, it seems, decided her need for a left-hand turn lane outweighed the city's decision not to place one there ... and so she pulled across the...

Dancing the Comcast Cha-Cha

Dancing the Comcast Cha-Cha

So ... Comcast Guy, having missed earlier appointments, finally shows up. This time around, Comcast had promised us a cable installer would appear between 8:00 and 11:00. They were almost right. He walked in at 11:15. Five minutes later, Comcast Guy...

Week One

Week One

After a five year break, I'm back in the corporate world. Every day, from 8:30 to 5:00, I have my own little seat in my own little cube at The Company. The Company offers its employees a lot of exciting benefits, from great health insurance (that...