An acquaintance I admire loves to say, “It is what it is.” Does a presidential candidate have a toxic stance on global warming or gay marriage? It is what it is. Has a situation in the workplace gotten out of hand because of an...
After the longest downtime since launched in November of 2000, we’re back on the air. If you’ve been following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Google+, you know I’ve been hammering the good folks at Squarespace pretty...
On February 14th of this year, I gave up soft drinks. Prior to that, I had a habit of drinking five or six cans of soda a day. And then, one morning, it just occurred to me that I didn’t need sweetened (or even artificially sweetened) drinks...
We’re in the parking garage, returning home from a shopping trip. Our stops included PetSmart, so, in the back of the car, there’s a bag of Chelsea Chow. I scoop it up, hugging it close to my chest and belly, and walk toward the elevator...
Seth Godin, on Self-Directed Effort: There’s an entire system organized around the idea that we’re too weak to deliver effort without external rewards and punishment. If you only grow on demand, you’re selling yourself short...
I’m in my hometown, standing in line at the cable t.v. company, returning Mom’s cable modem. There are two lines: Service or Sales. Both lines terminate at a row of glass cages. From time to time, one of the three women inside those...
I finished reading Leo Babauta’s The Little Guide to UnProcrastination today. As you might expect, it’s simple and wise. Some gems: – Important Tasks. Is your to-do list as out of control as mine? If so, the concept of important...
A recurring theme in writer Leo Babauta’s work: make one change at a time. We tend to rush into change. We start a diet while launching an exercise program and adopting a new religion and learning Spanish and scheduling meditation sessions and...
I gave up artificial sweeteners. Guess what? Life got sweeter. For me, this is a big change. I used to add two packets of Splenda to my morning coffee. I used to drink four or five Diet Cokes a day. Yogurt or ice cream or cookies laced with...