For more than a week now, I’ve been playing around with Google+. In a nutshell: Google+ (say “Google Plus”) is the fastest, easiest way to share photos, videos, links, status updates, and blog posts with the people most likely to...
While older friends and relatives often eschew technological advances (“Who needs a web browser when I’ve got the AOL?”), I’ve always been an early adopter. As I’ve aged, I’ve often wondered what the first big...
If you see nothing but a white screen when you run the Dropbox app on your shiny new iPhone 4.0, there’s an easy fix: delete the app, download a new copy from the App Store, enter your account info, and — voila! — all better...
Through an opt-in email list and a beautiful iPhone app, ScoutMob delivers discounts of up to 60% at great local restaurants. The service has only been around a few months (and, at first, was only available here in Atlanta), but it has...
So, I'm carrying the most advanced smart phone on the planet -- a phone that *should be* and *is* capable of sending multimedia text messages and acting as a cellular modem for my laptop. But I can't use those features. Why? Because my...
For some time, I've been using's Jungle Disk as my external backup solution. Overnight, Jungle Disk uploads critical files, songs, videos, photos, and documents to one of's S3 servers. For just a buck a month, I can access...
As a writer, I have an ongoing love affair with words ... and as a lover of words, I love my new Visual Thesaurus. Type a word, and Visual Thesaurus places it in the center of a constellation of related words: synonyms, antonyms, related phrases...
A once-daily digest of Mark's most recent tweets:Wrestling with charts and timelines STILL wrestling with charts and timelines Wishing more of my Twittermates would upload little pictures of themselves... Wishing companies understood the need for...