Category - Spirituality

Now That’s a Whack Religion

Now That’s a Whack Religion

I'm on the MARTA train, headed to the airport. Sitting around me are three older guys, all of whom are enrolled in a class on air conditioning maintenance and repair. "What about that Pakistani guy?" the first guy -- an older man with...



In the Sixties, Saint Mark United Methodist Church was one of the first congregations in Atlanta to refuse to discriminate on the basis of color. Today, despite the institutionalized bigotry of the Methodist Church (official church law declares...

Find Your Path

Find Your Path

Everywhere you turn, you'll find people eager to tell you what your path is. You must be a Christian. And not just any kind of Christian, but a Christian who sings like this. And baptizes like this. And takes communion this often. And gives this...

BibleXpress (iPhone 2.0 app)

BibleXpress (iPhone 2.0 app)

I'm loving me some BibleXpress, a new Bible app for the iPhone 2.0. With BibleXPress, I can: - jump to any point in the Old or New Testament in seconds using familiar iPhone gestures - perform fast, flexible keyword searches - carry several Bibles...

The Pitter-Pat of Little Pharisee Feet

The Pitter-Pat of Little Pharisee Feet reader, Pat, commenting on my Open Letter to the Methodist Church, writes: Mark must have blacked out the places in the Bible that say homosexuality is a sin (Romans 1:18-32 speaks strongly of this) ... and the place in Matthew 18...

The Real Pat Robertson

The Real Pat Robertson

From the Virginia Quarterly Review: a scathing, revealing look at the real Pat Robertson -- who has, among other things, used love offerings from grandmotherly prayer partners to fund his diamond mining efforts in Africa. [From VQR ยป The Christian...

That Card-Reading Gypsy Guy

That Card-Reading Gypsy Guy

It was only a matter of time, of course, before someone at The Company Googled me and discovered As word spread about the site, I've seen a huge spike in traffic from The Company's servers (yes, my dear co-workers, I can see when you...

My Lenten Adventure

My Lenten Adventure

While I did grow up with Easter -- or, at least, the ultra-conservative Church of Christ's version of it, which included chocolate rabbits but excluded any emphasis on the risen Christ -- I didn't discover Lent until high school put me in close...