Category - Writing

Real Expertise

Real Expertise

I was working with The Expert, a person who has all the credentials you’d ever need and a deep understanding of her subject matter. The goal? Create a video explaining The Expert’s complex subject matter for rank-and-file employees...

Update: Showing Up and Getting a Novel Done

Update: Showing Up and Getting a Novel Done

About five weeks and two days ago, I set out on a campaign to overcome Resistance. I started getting up a little earlier. I set aside time each morning for writing. I defined that time as sacred, refusing to give it up for anything else. In short: I...

Just Showing Up

Just Showing Up

I like to think of Resistance as looking a lot like Gollum from The Lord of the Rings: a whiny, sniveling little demon that sits on my shoulder and urges me to do anything else but the work I’m meant to do. * * * * * Some time ago, I started...

Tightening the Noose

Tightening the Noose

I’m showing up. I’m churning out the words. I’m making the novel happen. As the first draft comes together, as the idea of a book gives way to the reality of a book, the unexpected always happens. In my case, Thomas, a character...

My Brother’s Book: The Abiding Companion

My Brother’s Book: The Abiding Companion

My brother Michael’s first book, The Abiding Companion, is now available on, with a Kindle version coming shortly. The Abiding Companion is like a devotional guide, featuring one short essay for each chapter of the New Testament...

Reconnecting with The Work You Were Meant To Do

Reconnecting with The Work You Were Meant To Do

We live in a precarious balance between truly caring about our [art] and not caring about anything, between feeling real desire and feeling empty and dull, between trusting our abilities and not trusting them at all. -- Eric Maisel, from "Creativity...